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Contact Us

Find our contact details, opening hours, location and social media pages here!

Image by Katrin Hauf

Opening Hours

Visit Our Showroom

Monday- Friday
11.00- 14.00
Closed Sundays & Bank Holidays

Woman Texting

How to Find Us

We are located at
It's Curtains For You (37),Crosby Road North, Waterloo, Liverpool, L22 4QB

Working from Home

Give us a Call

Got a query? Give us a call and a member of our team will be happy to help you.

Call us on 

0151 949 0348


Follow Us

Whether you're looking to update your home with new curtains and nets, or simply love shopping with us. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for all of the latest It's Curtains For You news and collections.

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Email us at

Or you can send us a message on Facebook or Instagram!


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